Kamis, 03 Juni 2010



Give praise with gratitude to Allah SWT for all His blessings and guidance, thus preparing the paper with the title of the third world ideology can run without a hitch, which means, from start to finish.
Writing this paper is based on the existing literature. Compiler will recognize a very limited capacity so that in the preparation of this paper is flawed. But the paper presented a more or less useful for compilers in particular and other students in general.
On this occasion conveyed thanks for your guidance, help and suggestions from various parties.
Political science is one of the oldest sciences of various existing sciences. Although some branches of science who have been trying to trace the origin of its existence until the time of ancient Greece, but the results are not achieved what has sicapai segemilang by political science. When we use the term either in the language of social ideology, politics and discourse of everyday life, we describe a concept that has a long and complex history. In the paper we will describe about the ideology of socialism and the development of third-world non-block.Understanding non-block is not biased or impartial (neutral), a brief history of how non-block movement, and discussed with regard to the construction or development but development here is not the object of development but human development and basic needs satisfaction from the man himself (sp Varma 2001: 512). How well the role of ideology and the decline in our paper presented about what the purpose of the establishment of non-block movement.


Non-political non-alignment block or after World War II, whereby when the international political situation marked by a negotiation between western and eastern bloc blocks amid the cold war it was understood that the idea developed to make manifest the Non-Aligned Movement or the Non-Alignment Movement. Pengejawantahannya the first is the Non-Aligned Summit in Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1 to 6 September 1961.
Non-Aligned Movement also aims to achieve world peace based on universal implementation of the principles of peaceful coexistence, against imperialism, colonialism, neokolomalisme, differences in skin color, including zionism and all forms of expansion, domination and centralization of power.
Meanwhile, several other objectives which are as follows efforts towards promoting world peace and peaceful coexistence with the road to strengthen the UN role into a more effective tool for usahausaha world peace, international resolve disputes among its member countries in a peaceful and also pursue the achievement of disarmament general and comprehensive under effective international control.
On the way up to present the Non-Aligned Movement 10th Summit has done. Each summit has the color and characteristics of its own. From the colors and characteristics can be described participation in the Non-Aligned Movement helped solve the problems of the world with a permanent hold on the body's consolidation movement in order to remain held or fixed in accordance with basic principles and main objectives of the Non-Aligned.
A brief history of the movement of non-block yatiu Non-Aligned Movement was first coined in the early 6o's, which is the determination of independent states in political rallies in the face of the world situation is marked by the culmination of the cold war between the West Block and East Block. Asian-African Conference in Bandung on 18 April 1955 which has been bringing forth the spirit of Bandung, the core of peace, freedom, international cooperation for the common good and peaceful coexistence is a milestone in the struggle of colonized peoples by the West from various parts of the world.
The world's great leaders Nassar (Egypt), Tito (Yugoslavia), Nehru (India),
Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana), and Sukarno (INDONESIA) in the UN General Assembly's 25th year in 1960 voiced the resolution to ease tensions Tirnur and West and the holding of talks between the two were sworn enemies and to prevent open conflict.
This resolution continues in the form of movements that do not want to engage in or be bound by these two blocks. The three main characters are the founders of the Non-Alignment: Tito, Nehru, Nasser had prepared since early 1950, Sukarno and Nkrumah referred to as the founder of the movement. Initiatives five heads of state who is better known as "The Initiative Five" that started the history tirnbulnya NAM history that existed until now (Ningrum 2003).
Problems of Development, for the majority of society, regarded as a word used to describe the process and efforts to improve economic life, political, social, cultural, community infrastructure, and so forth, so that the term "development" is often equated with the term "social change". For adherents of this view, the concept of development is a stand-alone and requires other information, such as the development model of capitalism, socialism model development, model development of Indonesia, and others. Thus, the theory of social development is an economic theory that is highly umum.Di other hand, there is a minority view that further departures from the assumption that the word "development" itself is a "discourse" or an establishment, an idea, or even referred to a particular ideology towards social change. In this view, the concept of development itself is not a neutral word, but a "flow" and the ideological and theoretical beliefs and practices of social change, as the theories of socialism, dependensia or other theories.Thus, the theory of development can be supposed as "developmentalism" or "developmentalism" (Slamet Santoso: 2007).
Ideas and theories of development until now has been regarded as a "new religion" because it promises to be able to solve the problems of poverty and underdevelopment experienced by many millions of people in Third World Countries. The term construction or development has been spread and used as a vision, theory, and the process of truth and its value is believed by the public at large. Each program shows the impact of different development depends on the concept and development of the lens used (Mansour Fakih: 2004).
The dominant concept of development and has been implemented in most Third World countries are a reflection of the Western model of development paradigm. In concept, development is understood as the process step by step toward "modernity", which is reflected in the form of technological and economic progress as passed by the advanced industrial nations. In most Third World countries, assessment of the concept of development is understood as a general improvement in standard of living, besides that it also be understood as a means of strengthening the country through the process of industrialization with a uniform pattern from country to country. In this case, the main role of government to be or become the subject of development, while the community becomes an object and the recipient of the impacts of development.
Development often in identikkan with economic growth, which is considered to successfully implement a community development when economic growth is relatively high. Thus, measured productivity is the productivity of society or the state in each year. Technically, economics, used to measure productivity mengihitung is Gross National Product (GNP) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). But according to Dr. Arief Budiman, a country with high productivity, and equitable income residents, could have been in a process to become increasingly poor.This is because the development that produces higher productivity that often disregard the impact on its surroundings, namely the increasingly damaged environment and natural resources are increasingly depleted. Meanwhile, the acceleration for the rehabilitation of nature to perform slower than the accelerated destruction of natural resources. He further submitted that, in the name of development, too often to muzzle criticism of government that emerged from the community. Critics are appraised can disrupt political stability. This was done because the regard that political stability is an important means to enable the implementation of the development.
Meanwhile, according to Hanif Suranto (2006), the paradigm of developmentalism which became the foundation of New Order development apparently has spawned a number of problems faced by various communities. Among other things is the destruction of cultural identity and institutional devices owned by the community due to the uniformity of the New Order; destruction of the natural resource base (economic) community due to the exploitation by the state on behalf of development, and weakening the capacity of communities in dealing with community problems due to the domination of the country. He further stated that these conditions show its form most evident in the various conflicts between the community and country, and intra / inter community due to manipulative intervention by the state. The conflict in Ambon, Poso, Aceh, Papua and other conflicts are some real examples encountered in the State Indonesia.Hasil research from the Institute of Development and Economic Analysis (2001), concluded three important notes about the implementation of development in the State of Indonesia, namely: 1) Implementation of development in Indonesia is trapped into the trap of the ideas of neo-liberal development that is misleading; 2) Implementation of development in Indonesia also stuck into the current dependency on foreign debt in the amount of an increasingly large and very burdensome, and 3) Although the certain limits, have revealed the occurrence of a change, but the execution of development in Indonesia apparently also resulted in the more distant Indonesia trapped in debt bondage abroad. Burden of foreign debt tend to be turned into a "tribute" to the global kapilaisme centers. As a "tribute", then empirically very reasonable if there is negative transfer of net capital flows (net negative transfer) in Indonesia's foreign debt transactions, and it is true that caused the stagnation and deterioration of the state budget allocations to finance the implementation of development. Finally it can be said that the foreign debt trap that caused the Indonesian economy into the abyss of economic and political crisis. According to almonds are five requirements for the development is as follows:
1. keberturut succession of stages of development.
2. presence of sources.
3. development that is consistent (similar) of other social systems.
4. ability of political systems quite essential da,
5. adequate response by the elite to challenges.
We write in the first halamam that development is not development or growth of objects.However more emphasis to the satisfaction of their basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, health, and education. In other words prioritize the socialist. A process of growth or development which does not give the satisfaction of basic needs can not be regarded as a development (SP Varma 2001: 513).
In a development or development role elites play a crucial role in the whole process of development. Communities that have a functional elite can achieve much progress, while people who are not so luck to have difficulty moving in the direction of development. Usually there is elite functioning and not functioning, to see whether or not functioning or skills necessary considerations, kemangkusan, skill and shrewdness (ingenuity) politics, but also by moral considerations.


Non-Aligned Movement in the Indonesian leadership headed by President Suharto has shown determination and earnest effort to rediscover the Non-Aligned Movement towards a whole and seek to develop real businesses, such as south-south cooperation and others also revived the north-dialogue south.
For debt settlement the southern states from time to time the number of increasingly larger and more tangled, Indonesia as the Non-Aligned Movement leaders are faced with challenges quite heavy.
The cause is not just caused by economic difficulties developed countries but also with the more general pattern of making money as a commodity. Both made the world increasingly limited funds in a situation like this, considering the number of southern countries themselves is relatively much, among their own means very likely happen persainganketat because each would prioritize national interests.
There is a tendency that the Non-Aligned Movement has moved from a political movement is a movement towards a more focused and original partner that is opposed to the existing political bloc.


Collection of papers in political science / www.scribd.com / papers-science-pilitik.html
Reference result of the Asian-African Conference in Bandung on 18 April 1955

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